
Sunday, August 29, 2010

10 Icons

This is my new theme
It has 10 mini icons on the homepage. I added the OTA link.
The icons I got from a friend: Phantom BlackBerry Themes



I take requests for making BlackBerry themes if anyone is interested. You just have to allow me some time to make it as I have a life outside of themeing. I have 2 jobs that keep me VERY busy.

If you are intersted in requesting a theme, please let me know what you would like:
  • How many icons on the homescreen
  • Do you want mini icons?
  • Coloring
  • Do you want 2 banners? 1 on top and 1 on bottom
  • Do you want the banner to be a certain color? If not I'll make it what color I want
  • Link me with the pics that you want used. If you want a certain picture used on the homescreen please specify that

Friday, August 27, 2010

OTA Links

I have plans to post my OTA links for my themes I make. I am going to first continue to post my themes before I post my OTA links, so the viewers can get a look at what my themes are like. Unless I don't get any viewers. Haha.
Lemme know what you all think?!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Police Theme

Another new theme.
Just made it tonight for a friend. A nice police related theme =)


Sunday, August 22, 2010

New Theme

My new theme blog.
I'm a Medical Assistant who loves theme, I love my BB. I have a Bold 9650. I also love sports and photography. All of which are amazing. Photography is my first passion and I'm addicted to making themes for my BB and other peoples BlackBerries. I have thought about charging for my themes, but I haven't decided on that just yet.

Here is a look into my themes.

A BIG Thanks goes to my friend Kerri for helping me upload the background and header that I made :o) Thanks again girl!!